2nd year University students get mean, lean and green with energy efficiency

Keen to support young people acquire real life business skills, GFirst LEP is delighted to announce that the event management of the successful Lean, Mean and Green energy event last week at the Oxstalls campus was organised by a team of second year students from the University of Gloucestershire studying event management

Keen to support young people acquire real life business skills, GFirst LEP is delighted to announce that the event management of the successful Lean, Mean and Green energy event last week at the Oxstalls campus was organised by a team of second year students from the University of Gloucestershire studying event management. Under the watchful eye of business mentors and professional marketers, the students planned and organised the event from scratch to showcase the latest energy innovations to help reduce a business’s carbon footprint, save fuel bills and increase profitability.

Organising a line-up of inspirational speakers and exhibitors, businesses were attracted from across the county to see how they could adopt measures to be lean, mean and green in their energy consumption.  Profits from the event amounting to £3500 will be donated to a local Cheltenham based charity called Vision 21. Vision 21 is an independent sustainability charity focused on Gloucestershire, with the aim to help local people improve their quality of life as well as the environment.

The concept of the event and the involvement of the University students was the brainchild of the GFirst LEP Energy Sector Group, chaired by Paul Bolton, Managing Director of Severn Controls in Gloucester, with the strategic aim to decarbonise Gloucestershire by encouraging businesses to harness energy efficiency and renewable energy.

Paul Bolton from Severn Controls said: “We did a similar event in 2011that was extremely successful and wanted to build on the previous event and do something a little different for this year. We thought it would be an excellent opportunity to invite young people to get involved with the event organisation, being mentored by business professionals and University staff to ensure the event was a success. Along the way they acquired some essential skills and knowledge which I’m sure will serve them well in the future careers.”

The students behind the scenes were Jessie Harrison, Rachel Seedhouse, Daisy Heselden, Lucy Noonan, Chloe Daly, Stephanie Tipping

Commenting on the student’s work, their tutor, John Lannon, University of Gloucestershire said: “We are grateful to GFirst LEP for their support and willingness to allow the events management students the opportunity to take on the running of this important and prestigious event. With the support of the business people involved the students have learnt a great deal and were a credit to the University. It is an essential part of their course to organize and run events, which leads to networking opportunities and skills development. This is why our suite of courses are amongst the top UK graduate statistics in terms of employability. We would welcome the opportunity for more local businesses to allow our students similar opportunities.”

David Owen, Chief Executive, GFirst LEP, speaker for the closing address said: “The aim of the sector group is to boost sustainable economic growth and create jobs in our local economy whilst ultimately reducing the overall carbon footprint in the county. This event was a brilliant opportunity for the students to have a real life practical example of organising an event and I would like to say that they did a superb job, its also an excellent example of the business community working in partnership with educational institutions to help develop skills of the future.”

Working to reduce carbon emissions and to help reduce the effects of global warming, Vision 21 can offer advice and assistance to the business sector, councils, community groups and individuals to help them cut their CO2 emissions and also work as an agent to attract funding to develop environmental initiatives/projects. For more information about Vision 21 or make a donation, please visit: www.vision21.org.uk/.

If you’d like to help us in strengthening the economy of Gloucestershire, please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.

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