Sector Group update February 2015

Read below to find out more about the sector group meetings in February 2015.

Focus on...The Banking Sector Group

Chaired by David Goodall, Barclays

Over the last few months the Banking Sector Group Members have been providing training sessions for The Growth Hub Guides and Navigators.   Everyone has found the sessions informative and useful.  Clear areas of expertise and a range of products/tools from each bank has been established and will be used by the guides and navigators to support them in their work with businesses.  The differing offers have been set out on a spreadsheet that all Guides and Navigators can access for easy reference.  These sessions will be repeated on a regular basis so that notice can be given of any updates.

In addition the Banking Sector Group is helping to update the Access to Finance information available on the GFirst LEP website and supporting The Growth Hub’s activity in collating data for alternative sources of funding.  The Growth Hub team has found the British Business Bank example to be the most user friendly and are working on replicating this tool on a local basis.  This tool which will be available online and will include additional business activity for start-up and growth businesses such as mentoring, training and business advice.

Focus on...The Retail Sector Group

Chaired by Nigel Jobson, SuperGroup

Since being awarded Retail Pathfinder status by the government three years ago, the Retail Sector Group have been working on specific objectives that have been set out by government and agreed by GFirst LEP. 

Retail Toolkit: Both Cirencester and Tewkesbury have been using the Toolkit to support economic growth in their town centres. We are now working with the Gloucester City team to help them identify how the Toolkit can support their ambitions for the City.

Digital High Street: We have secured £116,000 of funding to help SMEs identify the need for an online presence and increase their cyber security. This innovative project delivered in partnership with The Growth Hub offers a number of workshops, 1:1 sessions and a diagnostic tool to support businesses with their digital journey.  The diagnostic will be released next week.

Retail Entrepreneurship: A bid for £400,000 was successful through the GFirst LEP Growth Deal, this will provide incubation space and business support to those starting a career in retail and business development for existing retailers.

World Host funding: In support of retailers and the visitor economy we’ve secured funding to deliver a programme of World Host courses in the run up to the Rugby World Cup. Local training providers have been trained to deliver the courses and will support more than 600 employees and volunteers in preparation for the games.

Business Membership Group

Chaired by Terry Lockwood, Paravail

The Business Membership Group has set a number of objectives for the 2015, these include improving communications with the 60 plus membership groups across the county. The group is keen to develop two way communications, sharing information about their activities as an LEP group, LEP news and also hearing about any issues, plans and activities from other membership. Over the coming year the group will also be running joint events; topics will include Export and Procurement.

Advanced Engineering and Manufacturing Sector Group

Chaired by Neill Ricketts, Versarien

The Advanced Engineering and Manufacturing Sector Group have identified the following priorities for 2015:

Developing a guide to the sector specific schemes support and finance schemes available to businesses. Achieving regular communication with the wider sector in Gloucestershire.

Developing a proposal to support the sector that can be submitted for future funding rounds.

Celebrating Engineering via activities and events that group can support and/or promote to raise the profile of the sector.

Business and Professional Services Sector Group

Chaired by Ruth Dooley, Hazlewoods

The Business and Professional Services Sector Group will focus on working with the Banking Sector Group on supporting the Growth Hub as a Centre for Innovation, identifying start up finance and business support and providing access to funding for growth businesses.

Construction and Infastructure Sector Group

Chaired by Stephen Limbrick, Roberts Limbrick

This group will be developing a Statement of Common Ground (SoCG) to align the employment land requirements of the Joint Core Strategy with those within the Growth Deal.

They will also have an input into the emerging Cheltenham Economic Strategy and will be exploring how the LEP can help and support the Local Plans outside the JCS.

The group will be working with key stakeholders on a masterplan of the land in north west Cheltenham surrounding J10 of the M5.

Creative Industries Sector Group

Chaired by Chris Isaac, The Isaac Partnership

Working with Gloucestershire Association of Secondary Head Teachers, the Creative Sector Group is now finalising arrangements to design and deliver a series of road shows to secondary schools in the county. The road shows will demonstrate the wide range of careers available in the creative sector and give pupils the chance to speak directly to creative sector businesses to find out more.

Energy Sector Group

Chaired by Paul Bolton, Severn Controls

The Energy Sector Group has recently been strengthened by three new members adding further expertise. The group is keen to develop a proposal to enable small businesses to have access to resources to enable them to identify low carbon improvements, and implement and manage them. Many SMEs do not have the resources to fund a position of this type and are missing out on cost saving opportunities as a result.

ICT Sector Group

Chaired by Ian Bourne, Cloud 2020

The ICT sector has recently completed its survey of ICT skills required in the county. The survey data will be used to help inform support needed to ensure that businesses have access to the IT skills needed to continue to flourish. Members of the ICT and Creative sector groups have recently been working with the LEP and The Growth Hub to deliver the digital capability diagnostic which will be available to businesses through The Growth Hub early next week.

Land Based Sector Group

Chaired by Chris Gaskell, Royal Agricultural University

The Land Based Sector Group are working on producing a report to identify the unique characteristics and needs of land based businesses to inform considerations of Growth Hub spokes. The sector group is keen to ensure that the support available through The Growth Hub is able to fully support businesses operating away from the urban locations.

Transport and Logistics Sector Group

Chaired by Mark Ryan, Gloucestershire Airport

The Transport and Logistics Sector Group have identified the following objectives for 2015:

Working on the case for an all ways Junction 10 of the M5, supporting the A417 Missing Link initiative, active engagement in the Gloucestershire Local Transport Board, creating an infrastructure bid for Gloucestershire Airport to provide access to increased employment opportunities, supporting employment expansion at Sharpness Docks and having an input into the Western Route Study -  Network Rail’s Long Term Planning Process

If you’d like to help us in strengthening the economy of Gloucestershire, please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.

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